Time Spent in School Between Taiwan and Saudi Arabia
There are many differences regarding the amount of time students spend in school between Saudi Arabia and Taiwan. The first difference is about the number of year of schooling that students need to attend. Both Taiwanese and Saudi Arabian students need to spend more than ten years attending required education. In Taiwan, there are 12 years in required education for students. However, in Saudi Arabia, students spend 13 years in compulsory education. The next difference is related to how the years of schooling are divided these two countries have a little difference about the levels of required education. For example, in Saudi Arabia, students should start from kindergarten, whereas Taiwanese students start from elementary school. But both of these two countries’ students need to attend elementary school and continue to senior high school. Then concerning the number of days spent in school per week, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia are not alike. Similarity, Taiwanese and Saudi Arabian students spend five days per week in school. However, the hours spend in school are different. In Taiwan, students need spend 10 hours in high school per day, whereas in Saudi Arabia students only spend 7 hours in high school per day. Furthermore, these two countries have different lengths for their summer vocation. In fact, in Taiwan, students have 8 weeks for their summer vacation. However, students have 10 weeks for summer vacation in Saudi Arabia. In contrast, both of these two counties have summer vocation. To sum up, although there are some differences and similar about time spend in school between Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, all of students have to study and spend time in school.