Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Descriptive Paragraph - Picture 4

Descriptive Paragraph - Picture 4

 Fighting is not allowed in everywhere. Look at this picture, the girl looks happy and proud of  herself.  She is sitting on the wood bench. There are some bulletins on the girl’s right wall, and there is a painting, and some colorful shits near the picture.  In the painting, there are two little children holding hands in the picture which looks so peaceful. Then on the right hand of the picture, there has a field box. It is full because there are some parts of yellow shits are out of the field. However, the girl looks like she wins a fight because there is a bruise in her left eye socket, and she looks happy. Maybe her opponent was difficult to deal with because her cloth and hair are in disorder. The principal's office is on the left side of the girl. The principal is talking to her mother, and they may want to punish her. In the end, the girl is a example that to tell us don’t  fight.   

To Being A Successful IECP Student

To Being A Successful IECP Student
There are some steps to being a successful IECP student. A successful IECP student should arrive in class on time, finish their homework on time, and study hard. First of all, students should be in class on time because they may have a completely new lesson. For example, when I studied in junior high school, my best friend was always late to class. She missed a lot of important notes in the classes. When we had a final exam, she got a really bad score. Secondly, students need to finish their homework on time because they might have new homework to do after class every day. If students don’t finish the schoolwork on time, it will affect students’ learning. For instance, my cousin could not follow lessons correctly because he usually didn’t finish his homework on time. So he missed many opportunity to practice. Third, a successful student has to study hard because students are responsible for their own education. Accordingly, nobody can help them to study or do exams. In addition, I left my home country to study in the U.S. alone because I want to improve my English ability. If I don’t study hard, I will not be taking advantage of this opportunity to improve my English. In conclusion, being in class on time, finishing the homework on time, and studing hard are very important behaviors for a student who wants to be a successful IECP student.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Can Animals Think?

Summary of Can Animals Think?

     In the FYI article, " Can Animals Thinks? ", Karen Blanchard said that many scientists believe animals are intelligent. One of the examples is a chimpanzee, Dandy, who was able to eat a piece of fruit. Next, the research shows that a heron in Japan could make and use a tool. In addition, Alex is a parrot who uses language to communicate. Then an octopus in Italy can open a jar because it learned by watching another animal. Finally, Timmy is a gorilla that has felled in love. In conclusion, animals' behavior to shows they can think.

EU OKs Mobile Phones on Planes

Summary of EU OKs Mobile Phones on Planes
     In the article, "EU OKs Mobile Phones on Planes" from Breaking News English Sean Banville mentions the European Union is the first region to allow people use cell phone on flight, but not everyone like an airplane full of mobile phone chatter. However, a telecoms commissioner said that people should not use phones or massages frequently on flight because the space should quiet and peaceful. Otherwise, that may affect others. People should follow the rules on flight. In conclusion, lifting the cell phone ban in the EU has brought benefits, but some people still do not support; therefore, people should respect others when they use the phone on flights.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Music Groups' Fashion

     Music groups wear different types of clothing for verious reasons. Some of these styles are punk, hip-hop, and grunge fashion. Each one has its own hair cut, specific jewelry, special clothes, and typical music. First of all, the punk fashion looks a little bit strange. They have theatrical makeup. Also, they spiked their hair, and they wear body piercings. In addtion, RANCID always wear ripped clothing and safety pin jewely, because they would like to appear stronger, more fashionable, cool, and the spiked hair makes them look crazy. In breif, the punk fashion seems crazy and strange. Secondly, people who wear hip-hop fashion always need a hooded sweater and a baggy jeans to show that they are poor. Also, they wear big floppy hats, or they cover their heads with do-rags ( scarves ). This kind of fashion tries to display their ralues such as the baggy jeans means they don't want to be limited. For instance, the singer Jay-Z who exhibits hip-hop fashion is individuality. At the end, people who wear frunge fashion have a long stranght hair, heavy boots and baseball caps worn backward such as Pearl Jam. They would like to demonstrate laziness and freedom. To sum up, there are styles of clothing for music groups to display what are their values.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

There are different reasons have foreign

     Traveling to foreign country happen for different reasons. First of all, expenecing a foreign travel could help us make new friends from different countries. For example, my sister visited to the U.K alone. When she took a bus, a man sat near by her. He helped her find a store, and they exchanged their e-mail addresses. Even though my sister came back, they still kept in touch. Scondly, when visiting in foreign countries, we can try special foods from different countries. For instance, I had ever been to Holland, and I visited a factory which made cheeses. I tasted flovers that I had never tried before, but I am sure I didn't like it. However, it's a special experience for me. Third, we can visit foreign coutries and try to wear many different traditional clothes they wear. In addition, my mother went to India last year with her friends. They had a party in a hotel, and they wore the traditional dressing from India. My mother said she never imagined wearing that kind of clothing before. In conclusion, expenecing foreign travel could help us have more special experiences, so  there are different reasons to have foreign travels in my opinion.

A Story Folktale From My Culture

     A boy's name was Lee, In-Lin. The boy was good and honest. After his mother died, he persuaded his father to remarry. Then he paid the income of radishes he sold to support his parents. He showed filial obedience for his stepmother, but his stepmother didn't like him very much. Next, she always hit him with sticks, but In-Lin never hit back or told his father. After that, the stepmother expelled him from their home, but In-Lin still didn't complain at all. However, he always brought gifts back home on his parents birthdays. One day, he heard his stepmother got sick, and he went back home to take care of her and bought many medications for her. Whether it was a rainy or sunny day, he went home to take care of his stepmother and her son, until the stepmother got better. After that, ther stepmother felt really sorry about In-Lin, so she was going to be kind and nice to In-Lin. Finally, their relationships got better and better.