Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Story Folktale From My Culture

     A boy's name was Lee, In-Lin. The boy was good and honest. After his mother died, he persuaded his father to remarry. Then he paid the income of radishes he sold to support his parents. He showed filial obedience for his stepmother, but his stepmother didn't like him very much. Next, she always hit him with sticks, but In-Lin never hit back or told his father. After that, the stepmother expelled him from their home, but In-Lin still didn't complain at all. However, he always brought gifts back home on his parents birthdays. One day, he heard his stepmother got sick, and he went back home to take care of her and bought many medications for her. Whether it was a rainy or sunny day, he went home to take care of his stepmother and her son, until the stepmother got better. After that, ther stepmother felt really sorry about In-Lin, so she was going to be kind and nice to In-Lin. Finally, their relationships got better and better.